
First Virtual Belgian Breast Cancer Meeting held 26th of June 2020


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In this meeting, Belgian experts in the field of breast cancer will inform you of the recent presentations and publications and the impact of them on daily practice.


Moderator Patrick Neven (UZ Leuven)
• Speaker 1: Martine Berlière (UCL)
• Speaker 2: Guy Jerusalem (CHU de Liège)
• Panneldiscussion with: Martine Berlière (UCL), Partick Berteloot (UZ Leuven) and Guy Jerusalem (CHU de Liège)

Moderator Hannelore Denys (UZ Gent)
• Speaker 4: Evandro de Azambuja (Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels)
• Speaker 5: Kevin Punie (UZ Leuven)
• Panneldisussion with: Donatienne Taylor (CHU Namur), Evandro de Azambuja (Bordet) and Kevin Punie (UZ Leuven)


Prof. Dr. Patrick Neven

Prof. Dr. Patrick Neven


Prof Dr. Martine Berlière

Prof Dr. Martine Berlière


Prof Dr. Guy Jerusalem

Prof Dr. Guy Jerusalem


Dr. Partick Berteloot

Dr. Partick Berteloot


Prof. Dr. Hannelore Denys

Prof. Dr. Hannelore Denys


Prof Dr. Evandro de Azambuja

Prof Dr. Evandro de Azambuja


Dr. Donatienne Taylor

Dr. Donatienne Taylor


Dr. Kevin Punie

Dr. Kevin Punie



Moderator Patrick Neven (UZ Leuven)
• Speaker 1: Martine Berlière (UCL)
• Speaker 2: Guy Jerusalem (CHU de Liège)
• Panneldiscussion with: Martine Berlière (UCL), Partick Berteloot (UZ Leuven) and Guy Jerusalem (CHU de Liège)

Moderator Hannelore Denys (UZ Gent)
• Speaker 4: Evandro de Azambuja (Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels)
• Speaker 5: Kevin Punie (UZ Leuven)
• Panneldisussion with: Donatienne Taylor (CHU Namur), Evandro de Azambuja (Bordet) and Kevin Punie (UZ Leuven)